Organic products that help keep the skin in good condition

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that causes small bumps, usually on the upper arms and thighs. They can also occur elsewhere on the body, such as the cheeks. The condition usually affects children and teenagers and is thought to be hereditary.
Keratosis pilaris is a form of hyperkeratosis that does not involve itching or pain and is not contagious. Mostly a nuisance for the person affected, it is believed to be caused by an overproduction of keratin, which blocks the hair follicles, leading to the formation of small bumps.

Alleviate with natural skincare

Skincare products from MARIA ÅKERBERG are ideal for use to strengthen the skin and alleviate issues. The products keep the
skin soft, smooth and moisturised, which reduces bumps with regular use. A daily skincare routine with products chosen for you creates excellent conditions to strengthen and care for your skin – whether or not you have a skin condition that is being medically treated. That is what MARIA ÅKERBERG endeavours to do. Our products only contain natural ingredients that work with the skin, rather than against its natural functions. These natural ingredients are easily absorbed by the skin and work on the underlying tissue. We always try to strengthen the skin naturally and long term, instead of just temporarily alleviating issues.

Recommended products

With keratosis pilaris, it is important to keep the skin smooth and moisturised. Make sure to moisturise the face and body daily, especially after showering when the skin is often very dry.


For the face, we recommend a day cream suitable for your skin type. All of our day creams are moisturising and excellent for use with keratosis pilaris.
At night, we recommend using our
NIGHT CREAM. This moisturising cream contains fermented Lactic Acid, which has a mild exfoliating effect on the skin.

Exfoliate the skin a few times a week to cleanse the pores. Use AHA & JOJOBA PEELING which also contains fermented Lactic Acid. Be sure to moisture the skin with your day or night cream immediately after exfoliating.


The same principle applies for the body: plenty of moisture and exfoliation 2-3 times weekly. Exfoliate the body with AHA & JOJOBA PEELING or BODY SCRUB. For slightly stronger exfoliation, we recommend SALT SCRUB ENERGY or SALT SCRUB WHITE CHOCOLATE. You can also dilute these products with a little water before applying them, for a less abrasive effect. Moisturise the body daily. Use BODY LOTION or FOOT CREAM which both contain fermented Lactic Acid.

Here’s what to avoid

Strong cleansers and soaps

They tend to make the skin dry and tight, which can cause flare-ups.

Vigorously exfoliating the skin

Exfoliate the skin to cleanse the pores, but be sure to only use gentle exfoliators. If you use exfoliating products that are too harsh, you may irritate the skin instead of cleansing the pores and alleviating the issue.

Cold and very hot showers or baths

Major temperature swings can cause flare- ups. So try to avoid bathing in very hot or cold water. Milder temperatures are better for skin affected by keratosis pilaris.

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